My hair journey interview has been posted on a few websites so I will copy and paste the questions and answers below and maybe it can be of some help to someone:
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
- I am a born again believer in God and one of my passions is making jewelry and wigs! You can check out my items here on Waist beads are my most popular jewelry item but I also make earrings and other jewelry items upon request.
2. What was your hair like before you went natural? (was it healthy and relaxed, or damaged?
-My relaxed hair was thin and limp and every now and then I would get painful scalp burns from the relaxer. My hair was able to grow past my shoulders but it started breaking at the ends so it was always very thin at the ends.
3. How long have you been natural?
-At the time I am writing this (April 2016) I have been natural now for almost two and a half years.
4. Who/what inspired you to go natural?
- My daughter is my main natural hair inspiration. Children learn by example, so I am being that example to her so that she will continue to love and nurture her natural hair like I do.
I have seen a countless number of people on social media with beautiful, inspiring natural hair. There are too many to name, but the first natural that inspired me when I was contemplating going natural was @naptural85. Her videos and tutorials are very helpful and informative.
5. Did you transition or do the big chop?
- I transitioned for 10 months. My reason for going natural is because my hair was thinning and breaking from damage caused by using relaxers. That wasn't my first time transitioning. My first attempt at transitioning was back in 2008. At that time, I transitioned for a year then I gave up and relaxed my hair again because it was too difficult managing the two textures. I also could not see myself cutting all my hair off and having short, natural hair (look at me now! LOL!).
This time around, I was successful with transitioning and then big chopping. My last relaxer was December 2012. After 10 months of transitioning, I did my big chop in October 2013. For those who hair type, I would say that my hair is in the "type 4 category". It is predominantly 4a and 4b, with some 4c at the back/nape.
6. How did your family and friends react to your natural hair?
-Some of them were shocked and some were in support of it. I can confidently say that now everyone loves it. Especially since it is longer and more full now.
7. In the beginning, how did you feel about your natural hair?
-At first I was uncomfortable with my natural hair. I did not know what to do with it because I had become so accustomed to relaxed hair. Once I learned what worked for my hair, I was on a roll! Lol. I always wear my natural hair with pride from TWA and now to afro.
8. How did you learn what works for your hair?
-I learned what worked for my hair through trial and error. I would try a product for a few weeks and if it did not work, I would move on to another. Sometimes I found that revisiting a product after a few months, in some cases even a year, would change the results. For example, Cantu Shea Butter Leave In did not work for me when I first big chopped. I hated it. I tried it again a year later and I love the stuff now. It is one of my staple products!
9. What do you love the most about your natural hair?
-I love the versatility of it (you can do a twist out, braid out, wash and go, blown out, pressed out, the list goes on). I just love how full and healthy it is.
10. What is your hair regimen?
-Currently, I co-wash my hair once a week with Tresemme Naturals Radiant Volume Conditioner. To style my hair, I start with slightly damp hair, not soaking wet. I apply coconut oil and then I apply a cream such as Cantu Shea Butter Leave In or Aunt Jackie's Curl La La. I then braid my hair into 10 to 12 braids and then roll the ends with perm rods. In the morning I remove the perm rods and take out the braids then fluff it and I am ready to go.
11. What are your staple hair products?
-My staple hair products are Cantu Shea Butter Leave In, coconut oil, olive oil, Tresemme Naturals Radiant Volume Conditioner and most important, water!
12. Share with us some of your favorite hair styles?
-My favourite hairstyle is the braid and curl (described above in regimen). My go to style is a high puff. I think that it is so cute and simple and works whenever I have a style that failed.
13. Do you have any hair goals?
-I want to grow healthy, strong waist length hair. I plan on achieving this by implementing healthy hair care practices, such as always wearing a satin or silk bonnet at night and always making sure my hair is moisturized. Protective styles (wigs) work very well for me as well because my hair really thrives on low manipulation. To prepare my hair to wear under wigs, my hair is braided or cornrowed and I moisturize it daily.
14. Throughout your hair journey, what would you say has been your biggest challenge about being natural?
-My biggest challenge was figuring out what products work for my hair. As time has gone on, I have learned how my hair behaves and what it likes so it has become a lot easier.
15. What has been the biggest misconception you have come across about natural hair?
-The biggest misconception I had was that my hair type (type 4 kinky hair) does not grow quickly. Boy did my hair prove me wrong! LOL. My hair has actually grown faster than I thought.
16. Share with us one piece of useful advice you wish you had known when you first went natural?
-What I wish I had known on my first attempt to go natural is to not be afraid to cut my hair and that it would grow back healthier and stronger with proper care.
17. Lastly, what advice would you give to someone wanting to go natural or thinking about going natural?
- Do your research! Watch videos, read blogs and join different social media groups (instagram, youtube, facebook, etc.) of other people who are natural, transitioning, or have done the big chop. It will help to give you some support, direction and inspiration and will give you some encouragement knowing that you are not alone on this journey. Don't be afraid to cut your hair! It is just hair and it grows back. In fact, you may be surprised at how fast it grows back after you have cut it. Once you do go natural, be patient in learning what your hair likes and dislikes. You will figure out what works for your hair and with lots of care, it will flourish.
18. Share your favorite quote:
-I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say "Because of you, I did not give up!"
19. Where can people find you on social media?
Kimira Jewels
Kimira Jewels
Thank you for taking an interest in my hair journey. Please let me know if you have any questions or require any clarification ☺
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
- I am a born again believer in God and one of my passions is making jewelry and wigs! You can check out my items here on Waist beads are my most popular jewelry item but I also make earrings and other jewelry items upon request.
2. What was your hair like before you went natural? (was it healthy and relaxed, or damaged?
-My relaxed hair was thin and limp and every now and then I would get painful scalp burns from the relaxer. My hair was able to grow past my shoulders but it started breaking at the ends so it was always very thin at the ends.
3. How long have you been natural?
-At the time I am writing this (April 2016) I have been natural now for almost two and a half years.
4. Who/what inspired you to go natural?
- My daughter is my main natural hair inspiration. Children learn by example, so I am being that example to her so that she will continue to love and nurture her natural hair like I do.
I have seen a countless number of people on social media with beautiful, inspiring natural hair. There are too many to name, but the first natural that inspired me when I was contemplating going natural was @naptural85. Her videos and tutorials are very helpful and informative.
5. Did you transition or do the big chop?
- I transitioned for 10 months. My reason for going natural is because my hair was thinning and breaking from damage caused by using relaxers. That wasn't my first time transitioning. My first attempt at transitioning was back in 2008. At that time, I transitioned for a year then I gave up and relaxed my hair again because it was too difficult managing the two textures. I also could not see myself cutting all my hair off and having short, natural hair (look at me now! LOL!).
This time around, I was successful with transitioning and then big chopping. My last relaxer was December 2012. After 10 months of transitioning, I did my big chop in October 2013. For those who hair type, I would say that my hair is in the "type 4 category". It is predominantly 4a and 4b, with some 4c at the back/nape.
6. How did your family and friends react to your natural hair?
-Some of them were shocked and some were in support of it. I can confidently say that now everyone loves it. Especially since it is longer and more full now.
7. In the beginning, how did you feel about your natural hair?
-At first I was uncomfortable with my natural hair. I did not know what to do with it because I had become so accustomed to relaxed hair. Once I learned what worked for my hair, I was on a roll! Lol. I always wear my natural hair with pride from TWA and now to afro.
8. How did you learn what works for your hair?
-I learned what worked for my hair through trial and error. I would try a product for a few weeks and if it did not work, I would move on to another. Sometimes I found that revisiting a product after a few months, in some cases even a year, would change the results. For example, Cantu Shea Butter Leave In did not work for me when I first big chopped. I hated it. I tried it again a year later and I love the stuff now. It is one of my staple products!
9. What do you love the most about your natural hair?
-I love the versatility of it (you can do a twist out, braid out, wash and go, blown out, pressed out, the list goes on). I just love how full and healthy it is.
10. What is your hair regimen?
-Currently, I co-wash my hair once a week with Tresemme Naturals Radiant Volume Conditioner. To style my hair, I start with slightly damp hair, not soaking wet. I apply coconut oil and then I apply a cream such as Cantu Shea Butter Leave In or Aunt Jackie's Curl La La. I then braid my hair into 10 to 12 braids and then roll the ends with perm rods. In the morning I remove the perm rods and take out the braids then fluff it and I am ready to go.
11. What are your staple hair products?
-My staple hair products are Cantu Shea Butter Leave In, coconut oil, olive oil, Tresemme Naturals Radiant Volume Conditioner and most important, water!
12. Share with us some of your favorite hair styles?
-My favourite hairstyle is the braid and curl (described above in regimen). My go to style is a high puff. I think that it is so cute and simple and works whenever I have a style that failed.
13. Do you have any hair goals?
-I want to grow healthy, strong waist length hair. I plan on achieving this by implementing healthy hair care practices, such as always wearing a satin or silk bonnet at night and always making sure my hair is moisturized. Protective styles (wigs) work very well for me as well because my hair really thrives on low manipulation. To prepare my hair to wear under wigs, my hair is braided or cornrowed and I moisturize it daily.
14. Throughout your hair journey, what would you say has been your biggest challenge about being natural?
-My biggest challenge was figuring out what products work for my hair. As time has gone on, I have learned how my hair behaves and what it likes so it has become a lot easier.
15. What has been the biggest misconception you have come across about natural hair?
-The biggest misconception I had was that my hair type (type 4 kinky hair) does not grow quickly. Boy did my hair prove me wrong! LOL. My hair has actually grown faster than I thought.
16. Share with us one piece of useful advice you wish you had known when you first went natural?
-What I wish I had known on my first attempt to go natural is to not be afraid to cut my hair and that it would grow back healthier and stronger with proper care.
17. Lastly, what advice would you give to someone wanting to go natural or thinking about going natural?
- Do your research! Watch videos, read blogs and join different social media groups (instagram, youtube, facebook, etc.) of other people who are natural, transitioning, or have done the big chop. It will help to give you some support, direction and inspiration and will give you some encouragement knowing that you are not alone on this journey. Don't be afraid to cut your hair! It is just hair and it grows back. In fact, you may be surprised at how fast it grows back after you have cut it. Once you do go natural, be patient in learning what your hair likes and dislikes. You will figure out what works for your hair and with lots of care, it will flourish.
18. Share your favorite quote:
-I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say "Because of you, I did not give up!"
19. Where can people find you on social media?
Kimira Jewels
Kimira Jewels
Thank you for taking an interest in my hair journey. Please let me know if you have any questions or require any clarification ☺